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Welcome to the Oblivion 100% Interactive Guide!

This is the info box, which can display maps, images, and wiki articles to inform you of any glitches, NPCs, quests, etc. that you are unfamiliar with. This route is designed so that anyone with a basic understanding of the game can learn all of the skills they need as they go!

Everything on this website is interconnected, so if you check off an objective via the guide instructions, the checklist, the map, etc. it will be checked off everywhere.

Before attempting 100% Completion, you should become familiar with the tools available to you:

  • You can see your total 100% Completion progress at the top right at any point.
  • The Requirements for what counts as 100% Completion.
  • The Rules for what counts as a valid and verifiable run if you are a speedrunner.
  • The Guide, Checklist, and Map, which can be navigated to at the top of the webpage:
    • The Guide tab has two options, the Speedrun Guide and Casual Guide, as well as an archive of previous route versions.
    • The Checklist shows a summary of all objectives and your progress. You can drag your Oblivion save file onto the checklist page to see your current progress!
    • The Map tab has two options, the Map and the Nirnroute.
      • The Map tracks your progress in discovering all places, closing all Oblivion Gates, as well as acquiring all Nirnroot, Wayshrines, and Heaven Stones.
      • The Nirnroute is a highly optimized and visual way of locating all of the outdoor Nirnroot, complete with screenshots, fast travel pathing, and text instructions.
      • There are other optimized paths for finding locations during a speedrun, and spawning random Oblivion Gates quickly as well.
  • You can configure various settings for this guide in the βš™οΈ tab, as well as Share your progress with others!
    • Advanced players should visit the settings page to make recommended changes to the default settings.
    • The Share feature generates a custom code/url for others to view your progress in real time as you update it. Perfect for streamers to allow their viewers to follow along as they go! Opening someone's share link in an incognito tab allows you to view it in one window while still being able to update your own progress so you can race each other!
  • You can click/drag the divider between the guide and this section to resize them.

Using the Guide

Any elements that highlight when you mouse over them are interactable in various ways, such as checking them off or opening an article explaining further details about that term. Some terms have icons next to them that can be clicked to view additional info, such as screenshots to aid in locating something.

As you go through the guide, there are two things you need to track:

  • Checkboxes β€” Each term in the guide instructions that has a checkbox is an objective that needs to be marked as completed upon finishing that instruction.
  • Save File Numbers β€” You will need to use several Save Files repeatedly throughout the run. Instructions specifying to make a save will provide a box to type the in-game save file number into. That number will be shown to you again later when you need it.

There are several formatted elements that bring up info in this box:

  • NPCs are all of the characters you will interact with. If you are having trouble finding them, click their name to see what they look like and any bugs related to their schedule.
  • Quests tend to have many bugs that can randomly interfere with route instructions. Click the ❔ next to the quest name for a list of bugs and their workarounds.
  • Nirnroot and Places have a πŸ—ΊοΈ icon you can click to see their location on the map.
  • Skill Books and other Notes and Books are italicized. Click the ❔ next to a Skill Book to get more info about it.
  • Misc. objectives such as Locations, Horses, etc. will all be bold but not colorful. Some of them have πŸ—ΊοΈ or ❔ icons.
  • Glitches can also be clicked for an article explaining how to perform them in further detail.
  • Some instructions, such as Save Clips, include a πŸ“· icon that can bring up an in-game screenshot of what the instruction is describing.
  • The πŸ“„ icon at the top left of this info box brings up the Table of Contents for the guide, and the πŸ—ΊοΈ icon brings up an Interactive Map!
  • Every image in this guide can also be clicked to view it larger in the info box.

There are a few additional formatted terms, which are not interactable:

  • Spells include standard spells, as well as custom player-made spells, which will be indicated by an underscore, such as _CustomSpell.
  • A few Console Commands are needed to verify the run.
  • Sometimes you will be instructed to press specific buttons, such as hotkey 3 or Alt + Tab.