

Share Code

You can share your progress with other people in real time, so anything you check off will appear on their spectator view! This is highly recommended for streamers so their viewers can follow their progress easily.


Spectate: — Clicking on someone else's Share URL or entering a 6 letter code and pressing enter on this box will place your in Spectator Mode.

Spectating Notes
  • When you are in Spectator Mode, a Spectating banner will appear at the top of the page.
  • You cannot change the progress on the guide while spectating. Click the "X" on the spectating banner to close Spectating Mode, returning you to your personal progress and allowing you to change checklist values again.
  • To view someone else's progress in one window and still be able to track your own progress at the same time, use an incognito window to open their spectating link. Perfect for racing against someone!

Stream Widget

Generate a Stream Widget browser source to use in software like OBS!

This feature only works with a share code since the OBS browser is not linked to your normal browser. If you want to view the tracker outside of your stream software, copy/paste the code into an incognito window since this feature activates spectator mode for the browser it loads into.

Share Code: Width: Height: Columns:

  1. Adjust the above settings to fit your desired stream layout, then click the "Generate Stream Widget" button.
  2. In OBS (or similar software), add a new Browser Source (not a window capture).
  3. In the settings for the OBS browser source, copy/paste the generated URL into the URL field, and set the width/height to match the settings you specified above.

* By creating a share URL, you agree that your progress, progress URL, IP address, and time uploaded may be stored on a server.
To remove your data, please send an email to with the subject "remove my data" and your share key (can be found below) in the body.

Advanced players should turn this setting off to improve guide readability.
Hover over each option in the drop down menu for an explanation of what it does.
(Only works if above setting is Auto.)

These map settings can also be found on the map page by clicking the "Show Settings" button.

These are locations that are "discovered" from the start of the game that do not count towards your progress.
This is mostly useful for estimating fast travel times while routing.
This is mostly useful for debugging and routing.
Useful for figuring out what gate you missed
Advanced Sharing
These settings are for advanced users and can stop sharing from working if improperly configured.

Overwrites your local data with the data of the person you are currently spectating.
If you have a Share URL, this setting automatically pushes your new changes to spectators. You will generally want to leave this on.
If you are Spectating, this setting automatically updates your screen to show new changes as the player updates their progress. You will generally want to leave this on.
If you are Spectating, this is the number of seconds between updates to your view of the player's progress.
Your Share Key is an internal key separate from the public 6 letter code you send to others. This key may be requested by devs if trying to debug/recover data related to your Share URL.
If you want to save your data to another server instead of ours, you can change that here.
Import/Export Progress

This import/export feature is not for Oblivion save (.ess) files. It is for this website's progress (.save) files. Currently the primary reason to backup your interactive guide to a .save file is to make sure you don't lose your Save File numbers for Load Warping. If you do not need to recover this information, dragging your most recent .ess file onto the Checklist page is a more convenient way of restoring your progress.

Import Guide Progress (.save) from File: