Oblivion 100% Speedrun Archive

This is an archive of all the past versions of the speedrun route. To see a list of changes between versions, see this Wiki Article.

Note that these versions are no longer considered optimal, and in some cases may have logic errors or be based on slightly different objectives that were later revised. Use these at your own risk. Earlier route versions are way less consistent.

All the versions listed below existed prior to the creation of the interactive guide. These were hosted on Google Drive. They will eventually be updated to be made into non-interactive materials accessible directly on this site.

Version 3 — The final version prior to interactive materials being implemented. An interactive version was made to develop website functionality, but is untested. Also included a Casual Guide for non-speedrunners.

Version 2 — An overhaul of the route that focused on improved route materials in addition to logic. This version used a "Quest Manual" system where the player had to swap between the main guide and each quest instruction set as it appeared.

Version 1 — The first ever, with almost no functional route materials outside of the main guide. Utilized very few glitches and logic was very linear by category of objective.